
(DerrickJT) #1
While Microsoft Bing doesn’t have the market share that Google
has, it is respectable in many markets, including the U.S. and U.K.

Organically their algorithms aren’t as sophisticated as Google’s
though they’re making big moves in the AI space.

This gap in sophistication tends to make them easier to understand,
predict, and optimize for. While this won’t be an indefinite state, it’s
likely to be true for the short-term future.

Due to the lower traffic, there are fewer SEO pros vying for the top
10 positions and studying the algorithms providing good ROI for
those who do.

On the ad side, there are less sophisticated systems to work with.
Due to the lower volume and ease of setup from existing Google
Ads campaigns, the lower traffic can easily be made up for by the
lower CPC.

Though from experience, I do have to warn, their understanding of
close variants would be laughable if it didn’t bleed so much money.
That aside, the ROI can often be better on Microsoft Bing, though
the number of conversions far lower.

Note: This isn’t to say to simply copy your Google Ads campaigns
into Microsoft Ads and be done with it. Each engine needs to be
managed individually for its CPC and demographics (resulting in
different conversion rates, etc.). However, copying campaigns can
greatly speed up the setup process.

Pros & Cons

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