
(DerrickJT) #1

Mobile search surpassed desktop search globally in May 2015 in
the greater majority of verticals. In fact, a 2017 study indicates that

57% of traffic comes from mobile and tablet devices.

Google has also moved with the times – the two mobile-friendly

updates and the impending mobile-first index being obvious
indicators of this.

Increased internet accessibility also means that we are able to
perform searches more frequently based on real-time events.

Device Action Queries & Mobile Search

Device action queries are also a form of do query and are becoming
more and more important, given how we interact with our smart-
phones and other technologies.

Ten years ago, Apple launched the first iPhone, which changed our
relationship with our handheld devices.

The smartphone meant more than just a phone. It opened our ac-
cess to the internet on our terms.

Obviously, before the iPhone, we had 1g, 2g, and WAP – but it was
really 3g that emerged around 2003 and the birth of widgets and
apps that changed our behaviors.

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