
(DerrickJT) #1
One of the important aspects of inbound links that search engines
pay attention to is the anchor text of a link.

Anchor text is the clickable text of a link or the alternative text of an
image in image links.

The anchor text helps give search engines an idea of the topic of
the destination page.

Historically, this was abused and made link bombing possible,
which is simply using the exact phrase you want to rank for in all the
inbound links’ anchor text from thousands of webpages, regardless
of the quality or relevancy of the page.

Many previous Google updates addressed this issue, including the
Penguin update, where overdoing keyword-focused anchor text can
appear unnatural and may negatively affect ranking.

Ever since the Penguin update, there has been a strong focus on
having natural anchor text in your inbound links.

Not Everyone Thinks Like an SEO, Don’t Over Do

Anchor Text

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