
(DerrickJT) #1

Here are a couple of things to look out for that may

jeopardize your link building efforts:

Naturally, when people add a link on a page going to

your website, often the anchor text will be your brand or

company name. Thus, if your keyword-focused anchor

text is more in quantity than your branded anchor text,

this might cause problems. It is best to have more

branded anchor text.

Not everyone thinks the same, and it is highly unlikely that

a lot of people will use exactly the same anchor text. If

you keep optimizing for the same anchor text when trying

to gain links from other sites and it starts to become the

majority anchor text and it is not your brand name, this is

highly unnatural. It is important to see some diversity in

anchor text, even including generic anchor text like click

here, visit here, website, etc.

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