
(DerrickJT) #1
User Sitemaps: A sitemap is a single page that links
out to all other pages of the site. Based on usability
studies, there are three types of people that navigate
a site: those who use the normal site navigation, those
who immediately use the search box, and those who go
straight to the sitemap. For very large sites, sitemaps can
be overwhelming, and in cases like this, the sitemap may
just contain the main category areas and not necessarily
every page of the site.

In-Content Links: Within the content of a page, links can
be added to the words within a paragraph. This is under-
utilized by many websites, but in other cases, it can also
be over-optimized, which can have negative effects on
SEO. Just link naturally, and have the user in mind when
building links like these.

Even if we’re emphasizing to use internal links in the distribution of
PageRank, always make sure the users are the highest priority.

Always design sites, and think of internal links for users first, then

search engines second, and learn all best practices on internal site


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