
(DerrickJT) #1

In all these three bullet points, the rules may appear conflicting.

No outbound links preserve PageRank, but no links at all look fishy.

Adding a nofollow should help preserve PageRank. However, if links
are all nofollow, they look more unnatural.

Conventional wisdom taught us that outbound links leak out PageR-
ank, and that is still true today, but it is recommended to link to good
quality sites.

The guidelines here don’t seem to be set in stone and are some-
what flexible, but the main rule that is valid and applies to all rules
above is to appear natural.

Link out to other sites if it is the natural thing to do.

Good quality sites tend to link to good quality sites: Giving
links is just as important as getting links. Good quality
sites are maintaining a level of quality that made them
who they are, and thus if these sites are going to link out
to other sites, they’d choose a good quality destination,
too. Since this is a common behavior on good quality
sites, it might as well replicate that behavior to help show
signals to search engines that you are a good quality site

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