
(DerrickJT) #1

Meta description tags: Unlike title tags, meta

descriptions do not influence rankings in Google.

However, including them can increase CTR.

Most visible content: Google’s job is to understand

content the way we do. An H1 tag at the top of the page

gets far more eyeballs than boilerplate content at the

bottom. Whether it’s a heading tag, early body copy or a

bolded phrase, the most visible content is generally the

most influential for SEO.

Internal links and surrounding content: Incorporating

keywords into the anchor text of links pointing to your

page helps show Google what your page is about.

Similarly, content nearby anchor text pointing to your

page also matters to Google and, to a lesser degree, is

used to describe the destination page.

Image and video file names: Instead of letting your

phone give your image or video a default name that

usually contains something random and nonsensical, give

it a descriptive name using a relevant keyword.

Image alt attributes: Alt tags not only make your site

more inclusive for your visually impaired audience, they

give Google a better idea of your picture. Incorporate

keywords when appropriate.

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