
(DerrickJT) #1

As you begin writing your content, keep in mind the importance of
sticking to the topic, and target keyword that you’ve chosen.

Don’t try to write about everything and anything within a single
piece of content. And don’t try to target dozens of keywords.

Doing so is not only a huge waste of time, but it also prevents you
from creating the most “useful and relevant” content on your topic.

Focus on what you’ve chosen as your topic and stay hyper-relevant
to that topic and the keyword that supports it.

Brian Harnish’s Local SEO Guide for Beginners is a great example
of an author staying hyper-relevant to a specific topic and keyword.

Just by looking at his title, the topic and target keyword are
immediately clear.

And, due to this focus, Harnish’s guide ranks on the first page of
Google for the phrase ‘local SEO guide.’

  1. Stick to Your Topic & Target Keyword

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