
(DerrickJT) #1

However, it’s not just creating content.

Deleting content can play a positive role in how long your SEO
takes, as well.

The key is determining which content to keep, which to improve,
and which to delete.

Danny Goodwin hosted a webinar on this topic, where he

explained how Search Engine Journal used this approach to cull a
number of underperforming pages, which helped to boost the site’s
overall performance in the search results.

Ultimately, the key is to create original, useful content that solves
your audience’s needs, and continually improve it.

And if you needed another reason to do this, higher-quality, long-
form content tends to earn more links compared to low-quality and/
or shorter content.

In fact, Backlinko’s Brian Dean analyzed 912 million blog posts and

determined that long-form content earns an average of 77.2% more
links than short articles.

So while content plays an important role in its own right, it also
impacts your link building efforts, so it’s like a two-for-one.

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