
(DerrickJT) #1
With the lockdowns due to COVID-19, e-commerce became the
most important way that we could make purchases.

For the first time ever, I started to order groceries online and have
them delivered. I’ve always done a lot of online shopping, but I
started to think about things that I’d normally buy in person and
figure out if and how I could get them online. I even bought baby
chicks online.

Some people turn to spending money as a comfort when they’re
stressed. Sometimes they need to send a last-minute gift to a friend
for a birthday.

We may be asked to make a charitable donation instead of sending
flowers for a funeral. It’s possible to buy almost anything online
these days.

  1. We Want to Buy

We may be watching a show on Hulu and don’t know what a
reference means, so we Google it and read about it.

We may want to learn more about the political process, or
COVID-19, or Victorian England. The web allows us to learn and
learn at our own pace.

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