
(DerrickJT) #1
This is my primary reason for going online, outside of what I do for
my job.

I want to watch a movie, or a music video, or a TV show. It stops me
from thinking about all the stress in the world.

What would have been live in-person events are now going online.

We have virtual concerts, virtual plays, virtual festivals, etc. Movies
that would have been released in the theatres have even been
released online instead.

The beauty of online entertainment is that you can access it
anywhere, at any time, with some exceptions, of course.

If you want to watch Justified at 11:00 a.m. on a Wednesday,
you can do it. If you’re waiting in your car before getting into the
dentist’s chair, you can jump on YouTube.

Online entertainment has never been so convenient and accessible.

  1. We Want to Be Entertained

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