
(DerrickJT) #1
I’ve also met some great new friends in a music group on Facebook.

We’re based all over the world but have one major thing in common
(we love goth!), so it’s nice to get online and see what everyone’s
listening to.

I don’t usually feel truly bored, but there are definitely times when
nothing much is going on, and I browse the web.

I’ll look up anything and everything. I’m sure that countless hours
are spent online simply because people are bored, and our phones
and tablets and laptops are always accessible.

There’s even a site just for bored people!

We clicked on a link because the anchor text was descriptive and
tempting, and the link fit in so well to the content that we knew we
had no other choice than to click on it.

(OK, this is my dream as a link builder... not always my reality.)

  1. We’re Just Bore

Last (and Probably Least)...

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