+360-Questions-and-Answers-For-PMBOK-Guide-SIXTH -Edition

(khatib.arch2) #1
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  1. Youare monitoringoverall projectstakeholderrelationshipsand
    adjusting strategies and???? For engaging stakeholders. This is known as :

A. Manage StakeholderEngagement.
B. Plan StakeholderEngagement.
C. Stakeholders’ RelationshipEngagement.
D. Monitor Stakeholder Engagement.

218.You are using a classification model for stakeholders' analysis that groups
the stakeholders based on their level of authority and their level or concern
regarding the project outcomes. This is known as:

A. Power/influencegrid.
B. Influence/impactgrid.
C. Power/interestgrid.
D. Saliencemodel.

219.In developing a stakeholder register, you need to include all of the
following EXCEPT:

A. Identificationinformation.
B. Assessment information.
C. Stakeholder classification.
D. Project riskinformation.

220.Classification of the engagement levels of stakeholders includes all of the
following EXCEPT:

A. Resistant.
B. Neutral.
C. Supportive.
D. Manipulative.

221.Manage Stakeholder Engagement involvesall of the following activities

A. Clarifying and resolving issues that have beenidentified.
B. Avoiding potential concerns that have not yet becomeissues.
C. Anticipating future problems that may be raised bystakeholders.
D. Managing stakeholders' expectations through negotiation andcommunication.

222.All of the following statements about Manage Stakeholder Engagement are
true EXCEPT:

A. Managing stakeholder engagement helps increase the probability of projectsuccess.
B. The ability of stakeholders to influence the project is typically highest during the initial stages
and gels progressively lower as the projectprogresses.
C. The ability of stakeholders to influence the project is typically lowest during the initial stages
and gets progressively higher as the projectprogresses.
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