
(Vakriz) #1

Our program can help you make Windows OS bootable on dissimilar hardware by allowing automatic injection of
the required drivers and other actions crucial for this type of migration.

When you may need it

  • After moving your OS to a different hardware platform

  • After replacing failed hardware devices

  • After upgrading hardware

Known issues

  • After transferring Windows to a different hardware platform, you will need to re-activate your license. It’s
    normal behavior as Windows keeps tracking any change of hardware. Re-activation is legally justified in this
    case, as you transfer OS to another PC.

  • If you’ve installed several operating systems on one partition, we can only add drivers to the latest OS version.
    Microsoft highly recommends you to install an operating system on a separate partition.

  • Drivers are not cached during the selection. So if you select a driver to inject, but it’s become unavailable during
    the operation, the program will end with an error.

Operation prerequisites

  • You should have drivers for the new hardware ready to use, not zipped or in .exe files (crucial for Windows 7
    and earlier versions).

  • Your OS should be unrolled on the new computer, not in a backup image.

  • The WinPE environment offers excellent hardware support. However, in case it doesn’t have a driver for your
    disk controller, your disks will be unavailable, until you inject the required driver. Find more details in Adding
    Specific Drivers.

    1. Start up the computer from the WinPE recovery media.

    2. Click Disks & Volumes on the sidebar.

    3. Click the Restore from file tab in the upper part of the working area, then select Find and adjust OS on
      the sidebar.

    4. Our program will search your system for supported operating systems. If several OSes have been found,
      you will need to choose the one you’d like to adjust to the new hardware. If you’re willing to adjust them
      all, just re-launch this wizard for each.

    5. All necessary adjustments are accomplished automatically. You may only need to provide a path to an
      additional driver repository in case the wizard has failed to find drivers in the built-in repository. Generally,
      together with new hardware you get its drivers for different operating systems on removable media. By

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