grid, Exercises
guardian pattern, Checking Types, Glossary, Debugging
Hand class, Inheritance
hanging, My program hangs.
HAS-A relationship, Class Diagrams, Glossary, Glossary
hasattr function, Debugging, Debugging
hash function, Dictionaries and Lists, Glossary, Hashtables
hashable, Dictionaries and Lists, Glossary, Dictionaries and Tuples
HashMap, Hashtables
hashtable, Glossary, Hashtables, Glossary
header, Adding New Functions, Glossary, Syntax Errors
Hello, World, The First Program
hexadecimal, Programmer-Defined Types
high-level language, Glossary
histogram, Dictionary as a Collection of Counters, Dictionary as a Collection of
random choice, Random Numbers, Random Words
word frequencies, Word Histogram
Holmes, Sherlock, Debugging
homophone, Exercises
hypotenuse, Incremental Development