Think Python: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist

(singke) #1
parameters  in, Parameters  and Arguments,  Variables   and Parameters  Are Local

parent  class   in, Inheritance

tuples  in, Tuples  Are Immutable

parse, Formal and Natural Languages, Glossary

pass statement, Conditional Execution

path, Filenames and Paths, Glossary

absolute,   Filenames   and Paths

relative,   Filenames   and Paths


filter, Map,    Filter  and Reduce, Glossary,   List    Comprehensions

guardian,   Checking    Types,  Glossary,   Debugging

map,    Map,    Filter  and Reduce, Glossary

reduce, Map,    Filter  and Reduce, Glossary

search, Searching,  Glossary,   Search, Reverse Lookup, any and all

swap,   Tuple   Assignment

pdb (Python debugger), When I run the program I get an exception.

PEMDAS, Order of Operations

permission, file, Catching Exceptions

persistence, Persistence, Glossary

pi, Math Functions, Exercises

pickle module, Persistence, Pickling

pickling, Pickling

pie, Exercises

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