Think Python: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist

(singke) #1

pipe, Pipes

pipe object, Glossary

plain text, Reading Word Lists, Word Frequency Analysis

planned development, Prototyping versus Planning

poetry, Formal and Natural Languages

Point class, Programmer-Defined Types, The init Method

point, mathematical, Programmer-Defined Types

poker, Inheritance, Exercises

polygon function, Exercises

polymorphism, Polymorphism, Glossary

pop method, Deleting Elements, Add, Remove, Shuffle and Sort

popen function, Pipes

portability, Glossary

positional argument, Another Example, Glossary, Gathering Keyword Args

postcondition, Debugging, Debugging, Debugging

pprint module, Debugging

precedence, I’ve got a big hairy expression and it doesn’t do what I expect.

precondition, Debugging, Glossary, Glossary, Debugging, Debugging

prefix, Markov Analysis

pretty print, Debugging

print function, The First Program

print statement, The First Program, Glossary, The str Method, I added so many

print statements I get inundated with output.

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