Think Python: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist

(singke) #1

problem solving, The Way of the Program, Glossary

profile module, Data Structures

program, What Is a Program?, Glossary

program testing, Debugging

programmer-defined function, Parameters and Arguments, Optional Parameters

programmer-defined type, Programmer-Defined Types, Glossary, Time, Object-

Oriented Features, Operator Overloading, Comparing Cards

Project Gutenberg, Word Frequency Analysis

prompt, Running Python, Glossary, Keyboard Input

prose, Formal and Natural Languages

prototype and patch, Pure Functions, Prototyping versus Planning, Glossary

pseudorandom, Random Numbers, Glossary

pure function, Pure Functions, Glossary

Puzzler, Exercises, Exercises, Exercises, Exercises, Exercises

Pythagorean theorem, Incremental Development

Python 2, Running Python, The First Program, Generalization, Floor Division and

Modulus, Keyboard Input

Python in a browser, Running Python

Python, running, Running Python

PythonAnywhere, Running Python


quadratic, Glossary

quadratic growth, Order of Growth

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