Think Python: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist

(singke) #1

reverse lookup, Glossary

reverse lookup, dictionary, Reverse Lookup

reverse word pair, Exercises

reversed function, Sequences of Sequences

rotation, letter, Exercises, Exercises

rubber duck debugging, Glossary

running pace, Exercises, Exercises, Exercises

running Python, Running Python

runtime error, Debugging, Infinite Recursion, Debugging, Debugging, When I run

the program I get an exception.

RuntimeError, Infinite Recursion, Checking Types


safe language, Debugging

sanity check, Debugging

scaffolding, Incremental Development, Glossary, Debugging

scatter, Variable-Length Argument Tuples, Glossary, Gathering Keyword Args

Schmidt, Eric, Analysis of Algorithms

Scrabble, Exercises

script, Script Mode, Glossary

script mode, Script Mode, Script Mode, Glossary, Fruitful Functions and Void


search, Reverse Lookup, Analysis of Search Algorithms, Glossary

search pattern, Searching, Glossary, Search, any and all

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