Think Python: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist

(singke) #1

search, binary, Exercises

search, bisection, Exercises

self (parameter name), Printing Objects

semantic error, Debugging, Glossary, Debugging, Semantic Errors

semantics, Glossary, Object-Oriented Features

sequence, Values and Types, Strings, A String Is a Sequence, Glossary, A List Is a

Sequence, Lists and Strings, Tuples Are Immutable, Sequences of Sequences

set, Dictionary Subtraction, Sets

anagram,    Exercises,  Exercises

set membership, Exercises

set subtraction, Sets

setdefault, defaultdict

setdefault method, Exercises

sexagesimal, Prototyping versus Planning

shallow copy, Copying, Glossary

shape, Glossary

shape error, Debugging

shell, Pipes, Glossary

shelve module, Pickling

shuffle function, Add, Remove, Shuffle and Sort

sine function, Math Functions

singleton, Dictionaries and Lists, Glossary, Tuples Are Immutable

slice, Glossary

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