Think Python: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist

(singke) #1
copy,   String  Slices, List    Slices

list,   List    Slices

string, String  Slices

tuple,  Tuples  Are Immutable

update, List    Slices

slice operator, String Slices, Exercises, List Slices, List Arguments, Tuples Are


sort method, List Methods, Debugging, Add, Remove, Shuffle and Sort

sorted function, Looping and Dictionaries, Sequences of Sequences

sorting, Analysis of Basic Python Operations, Analysis of Basic Python Operations

special case, Debugging, Glossary, Modifiers

special value

False,  Boolean Expressions

None,   Fruitful    Functions   and Void    Functions,  Glossary,   Return  Values, List
Methods, Deleting Elements

True,   Boolean Expressions

spiral, Exercises

split method, Lists and Strings, Tuple Assignment

sqrt, Incremental Development

sqrt function, Math Functions

square root, Square Roots

squiggly bracket, A Dictionary Is a Mapping

stable sort, Analysis of Basic Python Operations

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