Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man

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That’s the truth that no woman wants to face. Imagine if
every woman said, “You’re married—I can’t do that with you.”
Man, do you know how many marriages and relationships
would still exist today? Men can cheat because there are so many
women willing to give themselves to a man who doesn’t belong
to them. Sure, every now and again there are women who get
fooled and don’t know that a man is already spoken for. A ma-
jority of the time, however, these women know they’re sleeping
with a married man. Yes, these are the women who have no
standards and requirements and who suffer from serious self-
esteem issues, making themselves willing to cheat and available
to be cheated on. If those women took themselves out of the
cheater’s circle, the incidence of cheating would be cut seriously
down. And the way to get out of that cheater’s circle is to do
exactly what I’m teaching you to do in this book: figure out
your standards and requirements, explain them, and stick to
them (Chapter 9), get to really know the man by asking five es-
sential questions you’ll need to know to move a relationship
forward (see Chapter 10), and follow the Ninety-Day Rule (see
Chapter 11). And then teach all of this to your daughters, too.
If we don’t, after all, break that cycle, the cheating will

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