For those of you who are dating men with children, don’t
expect him to introduce the kids early, necessarily, because
wherever his child is, most likely his child’s mother isn’t too far
away. And the last thing he needs or wants is for his kid to run
back to his ex talking about the “nice lady” Daddy had over to
the house; next thing you know, his ex is laying down the new
custody terms, which do not include having her baby around
any strange woman she hasn’t previously ran a background
check on and authorized, especially if that woman is trying to
lay up in her ex’s house. So a man with children from a previ-
ous relationship recognizes he needs to ration out the female
encounters with his kids if he wants to try to keep a modicum
of peace with his ex and actually see his kids again. If you’re not
somebody he’s trying to have around for any amount of time,
he’s not going to waste his “girl-encounter ration” on you,
knowing that you’re not worth the grief he’s going to suffer
when his children go back and tell their mommy he had a
woman in the house. He’s decided in his mind you’re not
worth it.
If he asks you to meet the kids, thereby using one of his girl-
encounter rations, be sure of this: he’s decided you’re worth the
pain he’ll have to suffer when the ex hears about it.
How will he let you know which category you fit in? If
after, say, your fifth date he’s still telling you, “By the way, we
have to go out on Sunday because this Saturday is my time with
the kids and it’s the only time I have with them, so.. .” then he