Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man

(singke) #1

He can and is willing to comfort your child when she
hurts herself. (If he starts hyperventilating at the sight
of blood, this might be a situation—especially if he’s
already told you he’s a doctor.)

He doesn’t faint at the sight of diapers.

He can get down and dirty with your children—
squirting them with a water hose, shooting hoops at
the park, getting buried in the sand at the beach—and
like it. (Though you don’t want him to get too excited
about playing “Tea Party” with the dolls.)

He doesn’t lose his mind when someone spills food
and drinks in his car, or puts a muddy footprint on
the back of his seat—it shows he’s not so fussy about
messy kids (because nothing wrecks your car quicker
than having kids; his seats will see the inside of a
Happy Meal).

He can make it through a one-on-one game with your
child and maybe even let him win once (Note: dunking
on an eight-year-old and yelling, “In your face!” is not
something a good potential father would do).

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