Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man

(singke) #1

He’s willing and able to teach you how to play a
sport—which shows he has the patience of Job.

He’s willing to go to family functions with you and
the kids—even after hearing the stories about your
crazy aunt Thelma and how she likes to get a little
tipsy and call out your new boyfriends in front of

He’s actually interested in how your child is doing in
school, and not only encourages him to do well, but
gives suggestions on how he can excel.

He can be gentle with your kids, but he’s capable of
being firm with them, too (though you don’t want to
see him start taking off his belt within the first half
hour of meeting the children; I know kids can be bad,
but that’s a little much).

He’s capable of forgiveness, and shows that, even
when your kid does the seemingly unforgivable—
or at least the highly questionable.

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