“That’s nice, baby, now do it this way,” and watch
him go to work. We’ll put our backs into it then,
because it makes us feel like we’re pleasing you in-
stead of absorbing complaints. During the act, we’re
open to any and all suggestions, as long as we think
we’re getting it.
Whatever you do, don’t open this conversation
with the dreaded four words: “We need to talk.” Our
defenses immediately go up, warning signs start flash-
ing before our eyes, and now we’re pretty confident
whatever good time we had planned is about to be
ruined. Instead, try telling your man spontaneously
something like, “I just can’t get enough of you.” That
will make him know that the bar is up there—he’ll be
more than willing to jump over it because you’ve made
him feel like you want him, instead of like there’s
something wrong.