Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man

(singke) #1

weeks, or your monthly is on the way, your hormones are acting
up and you’re not in the mood. But the excuses can’t go on
forever. You can play your man short if you want to. No matter
how much a man loves his wife, his family, his house, his role
as the man of the house, the one who’s bringing in all the
money into family account, maybe even putting a little extra
into yours, if you mess around and start shelling out the cookie
in crumbs, it’s going to be a problem.
Speaking of my own experience, I recently turned fifty and
I’m telling you right now, don’t play me short in this area. At
my age, I’ll work with you for a little longer, because I’m busy,
I got a company to run, I got a schedule to keep, I’m on the
road, on the stage, on the radio, writing books, acting, support-
ing my own charity and working with others. I’m on the run.
And at my age, I can’t afford to mess up—mentally, emotion-
ally, or spiritually. Hell is no longer an option for me. I’m doing
what I can to get to the Gate, and it could be any day now. If I
start messing around, I might have a stroke and miss out on my
homegoing. But the truth is, if I can’t go home and relieve my
stress, there is a problem. If I’ve talked to the Lord and tried to
get you motivated to give me some of the cookie and you’re still
coming up with reasons why you just can’t be intimate with
me, something is going to change.
And I’m ready to bet things aren’t so different in your house-
hold. You might have been up all night for a week with a sick
child, gotten up early to get the other onto the school bus before

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