Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man

(singke) #1

A woman who can hold a respectful, respectable
conversation with a man and his mother is a keeper; a
woman who shudders at the prospect of having to talk
to the matriarch of a man’s family is a throwback.

A woman who can adapt to any situation thrown at
her—she can hold her own at the PTA meeting, in
the boardroom, in a restaurant, at a sporting event—
is a keeper; a woman who can’t put together a
coherent sentence or makes it clear she has no interest
in doing so is a throwback.

A woman who knows she wants to be married and
raise a family and lets a man know this up front
is a keeper; a woman who doesn’t have a plan for
her relationship life beyond next weekend is a

A woman whom we can introduce to our friends and
family is a keeper; a woman we don’t even bother
introducing to our friends or family is a throwback.

A woman who smiles and takes care of herself and is
generally happy with her life is a keeper; a woman
who doesn’t take care of herself and is sour all the
time, has an attitude wider than all the ocean, and

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