Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man

(singke) #1
needs, life, desires, and future, then he’s looking for a

If he laughs off your requirements and standards, then
he’s sport fishing; if he seems willing to abide by your
rules, and actually follows through on them, then he’s
looking for a keeper.

If he takes your phone number but waits longer than
twenty-four hours to call, he’s sport fishing; if he calls
you right away, he’s showing that he’s genuinely
interested in you, and is most likely looking for a

If he takes you out on a date and lets you pay, or only
kicks in his portion of the bill, he’s sport fishing; if he
pays the bill, he’s showing that he’s willing to provide
for you, which means he’s likely looking for a keeper.

If he tells you he’s going to be somewhere at a certain
time, and he consistently shows up late without so
much as the courtesy of a phone call, he’s probably
sport fishing; if he shows up when he’s supposed to,
he’s looking for a keeper.

If you never meet his friends, family, co-workers,
or other people who are important to him, he’s sport

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