Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man

(singke) #1
fishing; if he introduces you to his people, he might
be looking for a keeper.

If he keeps offering up excuses for why he can’t
meet your friends and family, he’s sport fishing; if he
agrees to go to the family barbecue or a social event
where he will be introduced to family, friends, and
co-workers, he might consider you a keeper.

If he cringes at the mere mention of children, he’s
sport fishing; if he’s willing to meet your kids and
shows up with gifts and can relate to them in a way
that makes them comfortable with him, then he
might consider you and your kids keepers.

If he does not have himself together financially,
emotionally, and spiritually, he may be sport fishing;
if he is capable of providing and protecting his
potential family the way a real man should, then he
might be searching for a keeper.

If he lobbies for an “open” relationship and says he’s
cool with you seeing other people, then he’s sport
fishing; if he wants your relationship to be exclusive
and he agrees to date only you, he considers you a

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