204 Unit 4 Applied critical thinking
5 Examination practice
Answer the three questions again with
a time limit of 10–15 minutes each. If
you wish you may also revise your earlier
answers now that you have studied the
a Show that you understand the structure
of the argument. You should identify
the main conclusion and the reasoning
given to support it.
b Critically evaluate the argument. You
should identify any assumptions, flaws
and weaknesses and assess their effect
on the strength of the reasoning.
c ‘Animals that show high levels of
intelligence deserve to be treated
like humans.’
Write your own argument to support or
challenge this claim.
Answers and comments are on pages 325–26.
1 Explain briefly why it may be relevant to the
evaluation of the argument in ‘Walk this
way!’ to know its source.
2 To what extent would you say the author of
‘Walk this way!’ argues scientifically?
3 Which of the following sentences
expresses an assumption that is implicit
in paragraph 3 of the argument? (Give
reasons for your answer.)
A Acts that have no benefit must be
done for fun if they are done at all.
B Foraging for food is not a cultural
C It is wrong to train captive dolphins
to perform tricks.
D Captive dolphins must enjoy
performing tricks.
4 Briefly explain the meaning of the word
‘anthropomorphic’, with the help of a
dictionary if you wish. How might the
concept of anthropomorphism be used
to challenge the argument in the WDC
End-of-chapter assignments