Thinking Skills: Critical Thinking and Problem Solving

(singke) #1

206 Unit 5 Advanced problem solving

This is mainly a data-extraction type question.
Such questions are normally quite
straightforward but this one includes a large
amount of information to digest, and a
method of solving it also needs to be found.
There are three important things (the first
skill is to identify these):
1 The scoring system, which means
that with two villages left to vote, the
maximum extra votes that any one
village can score is 16.
2 The fact that a village cannot vote for
itself, which means that Riverton and
Runcastle can only receive a maximum
of 8 more votes.
3 Some villages might score no more, so
any village that can pass the mark of 24
can still win.
Given these three things, the method becomes
much clearer. The appropriate maximum
available must be added to each team and the
result compared with 24. The allocation of the
lesser votes is unimportant, as they could go to
villages who have no hope anyway.
Adding 16 votes to each of the first eight
villages, we see that four of them can exceed
24: Longwood, Gigglesford, White Stones and
Martinsville. Adding 8 votes to each of the last
two, we see that Riverton cannot reach 24 but
Runcastle can reach 25. So five teams can still
win. Runcastle would be best advised not to
vote for Longwood or Martinsville!
You may see that this question required
no new skills, and the mathematics was
limited to simple addition and counting. The
difficulty in this question was in using the
information correctly and seeing how best
to proceed.
The next activity gives an example in which
the main problem is in identifying a method
of proceeding. The information in this case is
much simpler.

A survey of Bolandian petrol prices showed
the average to be 82.5¢ per litre. Filling
stations in the province of Dorland made up
5% of the survey and the Dorland average
was 86¢ per litre.
On average, how much more expensive is
petrol in Dorland than in the rest of the


This problem is not, in principle, any harder
than those we have encountered earlier. It is
mathematically slightly more complex and a
clear idea of the meaning of an average must
be retained.
We can quickly note that 5% is^120 of the
total. One easy way to proceed is to assume
that there were 20 filling stations in the
survey, one of which was in Dorland.
The sum of the prices at all Bolandian filling
stations must have been 20 × 82.5¢ = 1650¢.
The price in the Dorland filling station was
86¢. Therefore the sum of the prices in the
remaining 19 was 1650¢ – 86¢ = 1564¢. The
average in the rest of the country was





or about 82.3¢. So Dorland prices are, on
average, 3.7¢ more expensive than in the rest
of the country.
Since all the numbers are just over 80¢, we
could make life easier by subtracting 80¢ from
everything, leaving smaller numbers to work
with. As long as we remember to add the 80¢
back on at the end, this will still give the right
answer. For example, if we wanted the average
of 82¢ and 86¢, we could say this was
(82¢ + 86¢) ÷ 2 = 84¢. It would be much easier
to note that the average of 2¢ and 6¢ is 4¢, then
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