212 Unit 5 Advanced problem solving
We can see that the maximum capacity is
reached in 10–15 years and the time to reach
maximum capacity reduces as the
reproduction rate increases. This is exactly
what we would expect.
Now what happens if we do some fishing?
We will look at the case where R = 1.5 and we
remove various amounts of fish each year,
from year 5 on (we can do this by simply
subtracting f fish from the stock for each year
in the calculation we carried out based on the
Beverton–Holt equation). The results are
shown below for annual removal rates of 500,
550 and 600 fish.
We now begin to see how useful such
models can be. The population is very
sensitive to the amount of fishing: 500 per
year is sustainable; 550 leads to a catastrophic
drop in the stocks after 12 years. Although this
model is not totally realistic, it gives an insight
into how models can be of commercial value.
For those who are comfortable with the
equation and spreadsheets, it is easy to play
with the parameters of this model and carry
out exactly the sort of ‘what if?’ analysis we
mentioned before.
As an additional activity you might
consider alternative fishing strategies: for
example, waiting longer before starting to fish
or taking a percentage of the population
rather than a fixed number of fish.
The modelling problems described in
Chapter 3.11 involved choosing the correct
model of a given situation. More advanced
modelling questions such as may be
encountered in A2 Level examinations (e.g.
Cambridge Thinking Skills Paper 3 or BMAT
Paper 1) can require the solver to use a model
to draw conclusions or actually to develop a
mathematical model for a given situation and
make inferences from the model derived.
Some of the problems we have already seen are
in this category, but the model is so simple
that you are usually unaware that you are
using it. For example, the activity in Chapter 3.5
about Petra’s electricity involved recognising
that the bill, made up of a fixed monthly
charge and an amount per unit, could be
represented by:
cost = fixed charge + u × units used
where u is the charge per unit. This equation is
a simple mathematical model.
The following is an example that leads to a
model which requires only relatively simple
f = 500
f = 550
f = 600