216 Unit 5 Advanced problem solving
the difficult bits and forget something
simple – in this case that the drop in level
allowed for the inflow occurring. It is
always important to read carefully both
the information given and the question,
to be sure of exactly what is required.
3 We know that there is no flow from time
zero to time b 20 (as calculated in
question 1). This is^8020 minutes or
4 minutes. We can now calculate the
height at the end of each minute. At
4 minutes, the height is 80 cm. At
5 minutes, it is 60 cm (it has lost^14
of its height). The remainder of the
calculations down to a height of 20 cm
are shown below. (These can easily be
done with a calculator.)
0 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 80 60 45 33.75 25.31 18.98
The flow will stop when the height drops
to 20 cm. Assuming the drop in height is
linear over the last minute, it will reach
20 cm from 25.31 cm in:
(. .)
31 000
25 31 18 98
= 0.84 minutes
We could now calculate the outflow
of water through the fountain during
each minute. For example from 5 to
6 minutes, there is a drop in height of
15 cm, meaning a loss in volume in the
tank of 15 500
× = 7.5 litres. However,
in this time 10 litres has flowed in, so
the flow rate (the volume flowing out
per unit time) to the fountain has been
17.5 litres per minute. Repeating these
calculations for each minute would allow
This question is progressive, like most
longer modelling questions. Starting with a
relatively simply calculation, the candidate is
expected to develop and apply the model in
increasingly difficult ways. This question is
harder than those candidates would expect to
meet in an A Level examination.
There are some relatively simple calculations
which are necessary first in order to calculate
the cycle times. It is important to take care
to work in consistent units – in this case
centimetres, square centimetres and litres
(1000 cubic centimetres) are convenient.
1 The tank has a cross-sectional area of
20 × 25 = 500 square centimetres and
fills at 10 litres per minute. 1 litre is
1000 cubic centimetres, so the tank fills
at 10 000
, cm per minute or 20 cm per
minute. Thus it will fill to height b in b 20
minutes (with b in cm).
2 We are told that in the first minute, the
tank will lose^14 of its height, so from
b to 0.75b. The volume it will lose is
025 500
. b× litres (the factor of 1000
changes cubic cm to litres), or 0.125b litres
(again with b in cm). However, in this
time there is an inflow of 10 litres, so the
actual outflow will be 0.125b + 10 litres.
When doing a calculation like this, it
is very easy to get carried away with
1 Starting from completely empty, how
long does it take until the tank starts
2 When the pipe to the fountain starts
discharging, how much water flows out in
the first minute?
3 Sketch a graph showing the flow out of
the tank against time for a = 20 cm and
b = 80 cm. Show more than one cycle.
Assume the tank is empty at time 0.