5.2 Developing models 217
us to produce a graph of sorts. However,
you may be able to see that we could not
draw a point showing the flow rate at
exactly 4 minutes, only the approximate
flow rate at 4.5 minutes. The next step, to
produce a more accurate graph, requires
some clear thinking (but no particularly
difficult mathematics) and is the sort of
step which might help improve marks in
an A Level examination question.
The height at the end of each minute
is^34 that at the start of the minute.
We are told that we may approximate
linearly during each minute, so the
height after half a minute is
(. 100 )
+0.75 = 0.875 times that at the
start of the minute. In the example
above, where the loss in volume from
minute 5 to minute 6 was 7.5 litres, we
can say that the flow rate at the start of
the minute was 7.^5
0. 875
= 8.57 litres per
minute and the flow rate at the start of
minute 6 was^34 of this or 6.43 litres per
minute. To this we must always add the
10 litres per minute flowing in, so the
actual values at the start of these two
minutes would be 18.57 and 16.43 litres
per minute.
We can now repeat these calculations
for each minute (remembering that
during the periods from when the height
has fallen to 20 cm to when it recovers
to 80 cm the flow rate is zero). We may
also calculate the flow rate just before
the flow stops by using the method from
the paragraph above, but remembering
that the flow stops at 8.84 minutes. The
results are shown in the table and graph
below. This graph is what was required in
the original question.
Time (minutes) Flow rate (litres per minute)
0 0
4 0
4 21.43
5 18.57
6 16.43
7 14.82
8 13.62
8.84 12.86
8.84 0
12.84 0
12.84 21.43
13.84 18.57
14.84 16.43
15.84 14.82
16.84 13.62
17.68 12.86
17.68 0
0246810 12 14 16 18 20
Time (min)
Flow rate (litres/min)