Thinking Skills: Critical Thinking and Problem Solving

(singke) #1

220 Unit 5 Advanced problem solving

5.3 Carrying out investigations

An investigation is a problem where a set of
information is given and the student is asked
to consider various scenarios, either to find
which is the best, or just to consider the results
of various options. Investigations are closely
related to modelling, in that a model may be
developed to help with the investigation.
Alternatively, a set of rules may be formulated
which determine a set of possibilities. Some
investigations can be quite open-ended,

meaning some students will be able to take
problems further, extract more detail,
illustrate the results better and so on.
The example below is investigative: you
have to consider various options and their
effect on the result. It uses the skills of spatial
reasoning and searching. Investigation
questions can use any of the skill types covered
in Unit 3 or any combinations of them.


A company making decorative wall tiles is
introducing a new range and their designer
has decided to base them on a 2 × 2 grid
system so they can be fitted together in
various combinations. She has decided to
make all possible tiles that can be created by
choosing half of one edge (starting from a
corner) and joining this to any other half-edge
on the tile, filling in the enclosed area with
colour. The tile below is one example.






The eight half-edges of the tiles are
numbered 1 to 8 on the diagram above and
any one may be joined to any other. In this
case, half-edge 1 is joined to half-edge 5.

The entire set of tiles consists of all
combinations excluding any which may be
rotated into each other; so, for example, the
two options shown below (1 connected to 5
and 3 connected to 7) are the same tile.

Reflections which result in different tiles are
included in the set. The set includes half-
edge 1 joined to itself, which will be a blank
white tile.
How many different tiles are there in the
Make a symmetrical 4 × 4 pattern of tiles
which includes at least one of each and with
colours matching at all joining edges.
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