Thinking Skills: Critical Thinking and Problem Solving

(singke) #1

222 Unit 5 Advanced problem solving

The overall area of the lawn (calculated as
the surrounding rectangle minus the cut-
out) is 96 m^2 − 16 m^2 = 80 m^2. This means
that, regardless of the strategy, I will need to
empty the grass box six times (once every
30 m for a mower 0.5 m wide). This takes
6 minutes.
Using the side-to-side strategy: If I start in
the bottom-left corner, each strip on the short
section will be 7 m long (starting 1 m inside
the lawn). Since the mower cuts a strip 0.5 m
wide, the lawn width of 4 m for this section
requires 8 strips – making 56 m in total (56
seconds). I will make 8 × 180° turns taking 64
seconds (the last turn makes me ready to do
the long section). So this section of the lawn
takes 56 seconds + 64 seconds = 2 minutes.
The long section will take 11 m × 8 strips =
88 m (88 seconds) and 7 × 180° turns (56
seconds). The total time for this section is 88
seconds + 56 seconds = 2 minutes 24 seconds.
I must now consider the bits I left by
starting inside the edge. The left-hand edge is
easy, as I am now at the top-left corner. To do
this, I do a 90° turn and mow the 7 m back to
the start, which takes 5 + 7 = 12 seconds. The
mown strip was only 0.5 m wide, so I must do
it again, 0.5 m in from the edge, involving
another 180° turn and 7 m mowing: 8 + 7 = 15
seconds. The total is 27 seconds.
The bits I missed on the right-hand edges
are more complicated. There are two 4 m
sections. It is most efficient to mow these
when I get there. When I get to the bottom-
right (after the first strip) I do a 90° turn (5
seconds), mow 3 m, make another 180° turn
(8 seconds) and mow 3 m back. I then need to
turn 90° (5 seconds) to be ready for the next
strip. (Note that this saved me one 180° turn
in the first section). This takes me 5 + 3 + 8 +
3 + 5 − 8 = 16 seconds (the −8 is for the time
saved on the first turn).
The top-right 4 m strip will take exactly the
same time (if done after the first long strip): 16

This is a realistic problem and requires both
data-processing and a search (of possible
strategies). In cases like this, it is not always
possible to be absolutely sure that you have
found the optimum – but the investigative
process will often make the best strategy clear.
We consider only one possibility here; you
should go on to look at others for yourself.

I mow my lawn (as shown in the diagram)
using a push-along mower. My speed when
mowing is 1 m/s. My mower cuts a strip
0.5 m wide. When I reach the edge, I must
turn the mower around. If I turn it through
90° it takes me 5 seconds; if I turn it through
180° it takes me 8 seconds. Every 30 m,
I need to empty the grass box, which takes
1 minute. Each time I start a stretch, I must
start 1 m into the lawn (as I don’t want to
stand in the flower beds), but I can mow right
to the edge in front of me. I only mow in
straight lines.
12 m

8 m

8 m

4 m

There are various strategies I can use. I can
do it all side-to-side or top to bottom (in both
cases remembering to cover any bits I may
miss by starting 1 m inside the edges).
Alternatively, I can go right round the outside,
then do the next strip in, and so on until I get
to the centre.
How long will it take me using the best


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