Thinking Skills: Critical Thinking and Problem Solving

(singke) #1

5.4 Data analysis and inference 229

b Which teams can still qualify for the
next stages and what results of the final
two matches will be needed to send
each possible pair of teams through?
(Note: in the event of a draw on points
between two teams, the results of the
match between those two teams will
decide who goes through; if this was
a draw, the difference between goals
scored and goals conceded decides
and, if this is equal, the team with the
most goals scored will go through. If all
else fails, qualification will be decided
by the drawing of lots.)
3 The exercise below is open-ended, in
that no specific questions are asked.
This is quite typical of real-world problem-
solving in relation to scientific work. The
experimenter should come to the results
with an open mind and squeeze as much
information from them as possible (without
claiming too much where the results are
not entirely clear).
An experiment was carried out to study
the growth of doba-berries using a range
of amounts of water and fertiliser. 30
beds were laid out, each with an area of
1 square metre. They were each watered
daily with amounts of water from 5 to
30 litres. At the start of the experiment
amounts of fertiliser from 0 g to 25 g were
applied to each plot. When the crop was
ripe, the yield from each square metre was
measured. The results are shown in the
following table. The results for a fertiliser
application of 10 g are missing because of
a problem with the beds.
Analyse this data and draw conclusions
on the effect of water and fertiliser on
the crop. Also consider how the two
factors may interact with each other. A full
statistical analysis is not required; the
conclusions may be drawn by averaging
and graphing the data in various ways.

to a sharp rise in prices, reaching levels
second only to those seen in 2008.
Of greater long-term concern,
proven oil reserves worldwide grew
only 0.5% in 2010, to 1368 billion
barrels... So, consumption growth of
3.1% was six times the growth of
reserve identification, spelling
long-term trouble for prices.

Given that reserves are finite and world
energy consumption is rising, what would
be the implications of higher prices and
less use of fossil fuels on world energy
reserves and consumption?
2 In the group stages of a European football
tournament, teams were in groups of four
in which each team played all the others,
making six games in total. The top two
teams in each group after this stage went
through to the quarter-finals. Teams were
awarded three points for a win, one for a
draw and none for losing. After four matches
in Group 1, the situation was as follows.
(Some data is missing from the table.)

Team Played Points W D L Goals


Greece 2 4 3 2

Spain 2 4 2 1

Portugal 2 3 3 2

Russia 2 0 0 3

The remaining two games are Spain vs
Portugal and Greece vs Russia.
a Can you reconstruct the missing data
(games won, drawn and lost for each
team)? How much further can this be
taken: can the results of individual
games be established; can the scores
be deduced?
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