Thinking Skills: Critical Thinking and Problem Solving

(singke) #1

20 Unit 2 Critical thinking: the basics

In what way is each of these different from
the others? (You can use a dictionary to
help you answer the question.)
5 How would you define the following special
kinds of claim?
• allegation
• accusation
• insinuation
• confirmation
• denial
• verdict
6 The idea of claims is central to the
discipline of critical thinking. Why is
this so?

Answers and comments are on page 311.

1    Explain briefly, in your own words, the
difference between a claim and a fact.
2 Is there any significant difference between
a claim and an assertion? If so, how are
they different? If not, what do they have
in common?
3 For each of the five examples [A]–[E] in
this chapter, suggest two other claims that
have the same relation to the truth, but on
different subject matter.
4 The word ‘hypothesis’ has several close
relatives. Here are four:
• conjecture
• theory
• guess
• speculation

End-of-chapter assignments

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