Thinking Skills: Critical Thinking and Problem Solving

(singke) #1

310 Unit 7 Critical reasoning: Advanced Level

decision, is what is meant by ‘resolving the
Shortly you will have to make a decision
about which side you support, based on what
you know from reading the texts. You will
have to justify your decision by giving reasons
why it is the better of the two choices.

then it has to be the other. You have to hold
the Games somewhere, or not hold them
at all.
When faced with a dilemma, you just have
to make a decision, or duck it and get caught
on both horns. Reaching such a decision, and
satisfying yourself or others that it is the right

Write the speech that you will give to the
audience of athletes, business people, sports
fans and others who are concerned that the
Olympic Games are falling into disrepute
and straying from their original ideals. The
previous speaker in the debate was Janet
Sender: your job is either to support or to
oppose her proposal.

End-of-chapter assignment

Base your argument on the four documents
you have worked on, Docs 1–4. It is important
that you make reference to them. This is not
a test of your own wider knowledge of the
subject, but you may research further if you


Synthesis, of the kind just described, not
only involves drawing together information, it
also means drawing together your skills, the
skills you have been acquiring and practising
throughout this course.

In the assignment you are about to
complete, you will find yourself calling on
them all: analysing, evaluating, inferring,
justifying, explaining, and developing further
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