Thinking Skills: Critical Thinking and Problem Solving

(singke) #1

Answers to assignments 313

R2 The leaves belong to a species of
beech tree that grows only in warm
or temperate regions.
R3 Beeches do not evolve quickly
enough to adapt to changes in

C The South Pole must once have
been much warmer than it is today.
4 Various possible analyses, e.g.
R1 Grunting is a natural, unstoppable
accompaniment to sudden effort.
R2 Some women can control grunting,
others can’t.
R3 Some men grunt almost as much
as the women.

IC Making women play tennis in
near-silence would place an unfair
handicap on some but not on others.

C Grunting should not be banned
(in tennis).
Note: R3 may be said to be a side issue
that does not really contribute to the main
argument, which is about women. On
that interpretation it could be omitted.

2.7 Conclusions
1 The correct selection is C. Note that C is
actually a conjunction of two sentences,
one recommending the abolition of
charging, the other recommending an
alternative solution. Neither of these is a
reason for the other: they are like parallel
claims, or two sides of the same coin; and
they both follow from the other claims
that are made.
Distracters: A is introductory; B is one of
the reasons (premises); D is not stated at
all. On a casual reading the last sentence
might be mistaken for the conclusion,
but it is actually a premise.
2 The correct selection is A. The argument
begins halfway through, after ‘But.. .’
It states the conclusion first, then gives

drive on the left. This would make
changing from left to right a simpler
procedure than right to left, thus adding
support to the conclusion.
3 a Context: Recently the operators of a
cruise liner were fined $18m for
dumping oil and other hazardous waste
at sea. This may seem substantial,
R1 In the same year the ship earned
profits of $340m.
R2 The company could well afford the fine.
R3 Dumping saved them the
considerable expense of storing
and legally disposing of the waste.

C1 (IC from R1–R3) Emptying their tanks
into the ocean was probably a risk
worth taking.
R4 In the last decade only a handful of
companies have been fined.
R5 Every year there are unsuccessful
attempts to prosecute.

C2 (IC) Dumping is not much of a risk.
R6 The oceans of the world are in
danger of becoming open sewers.

C (main) We must give the authorities
greater powers and demand that
they use them.
The two intermediate conclusions,
together with R6, are given as reasons
why the authorities ought to have
and use greater powers.
b Context: Scientists have discovered some
three-million-year-old leaves preserved in the
ice (at the South Pole).
R1 The leaves are so undamaged, and
preserved in such fine detail, that
they could not have been carried
there by wind or sea.

C1/IC They can only be from trees that
once grew there.
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