Thinking Skills: Critical Thinking and Problem Solving

(singke) #1

320 Answers to assignments

both an orange and a dollar must be
worth less than a grapefruit).
• We can say nothing about the value of
a lemon relative to a grapefruit.
4 The information we have directly is:

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

L x x

M Y x Y x x Y Y

N x x Y


(We are given Moses’ three days off, so he
must work the other four. Liam is off on
Saturday, so the other three work).
From the table, we can see that Liam
and Orla must work on Friday.
Orla can then not work Wednesday
or Sunday or she would work four
consecutive days.
Therefore, Liam and Nadila must work
on Sunday and Liam on Wednesday. We
can fill in the table as far as shown below.

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

L x Y Y x Y

M Y x Y x x Y Y

N x x Y Y

O x Y Y Y x

We can now see that Nadila cannot work
both Monday and Tuesday or it would be
four in a row, so she must work Thursday,
and Liam must work Tuesday. This leaves
the only remaining flexibility that
Nadila and Orla must each work one of

The overall effectiveness will be the sum
of the first graph and that for drug B. It
will appear as in the second graph.

Average eectiveness




The sizes and positions of the peak and
dip will depend on the exact values for
the original two curves.
2 Whilst this could be solved with a Venn
or Carroll diagram, the problem is simple
enough not to require either. Since
the percentages studying French and
German add to 115%, there must be at
least a 15% overlap so D is true.
Looking at the alternatives:

A It is possible that the 30% not
studying French are also part of the
55% not studying German.
B There is no reason to assume that^23 of
those who study German (30% of all
students) coincide with the 30% who do
not study French.
C This comes from subtracting the 45
from the 70. This number has no
meaning other than being the
maximum percentage who could
study French but not German.
3 C is the correct answer. The only firm
deductions that can be made are:
• A dollar has a value between that
of an orange and a lemon (but it is
impossible to tell which is higher and
which is lower, so neither A nor D can
be correct).
• The value of a grapefruit is one orange
plus one dollar (so C is correct and
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