Thinking Skills: Critical Thinking and Problem Solving

(singke) #1

Answers to assignments 321

5    Only D works. If you have doubts,
try them.
6 B is correct. Again, you can try it to
make sure.

3.10 Necessity and sufficiency
1 I have a free choice where I put the
numbers 1 to 3 (but none may go
opposite a number I have already
marked). Number 4 must go on one of
the two faces remaining that do not
contain 1 to 3 or are not opposite any
of them. However, it can go on either
of these two remaining faces, so I can
number four faces before I am left with
no choice.
2 We are looking for the highest total that
can be made in only one way. The total
number of pieces of fruit is 5 times the
number of pear bags (5p) plus 3 times
the number of banana bags (3b). We
can list the total (5p + 3b) for various
numbers of each kind of bag or we
can see which numbers, successively,
are possible. If we look at successive
combinations (assuming there is at
least one of each type of bag), we find
that the first sum that can be made in
two ways is 23, i.e. (5 × 4) + (3 × 1) and
(5 × 1) + (6 × 3). 24 is unique, as is 25.
26 can be made in two ways. We need
to carry on looking until we find three
successive numbers that can be made
in two ways – these turn out to be 31,
32 and 33. Subsequently, any higher
number can be made in two ways by
adding extra 3s to these. Thus the
highest number that cannot be made
in two ways is 30: 3 bags of pears and 5
bags of bananas. This is the number that
George must have had in stock.
3 We know Kuldip had 12 coins with
a different number of each; with the
number of 5¢ more than the number of
2¢, which was more than the number of
1¢. All the options can now be listed:

Monday and Tuesday, but neither can
work both.
The only one of the options possible is B:
Nadila could work on Sunday and Monday.

3.9 Spatial reasoning
1 The letters should look as follows:

2 Variable responses
3 It is best to draw lines on the diagram
to show the points on the route from
X to Y where the view of the flagpoles




As you walk from left to right, the
orders will be:

There are six different orders in total.
4 The clock represented conventionally
will look as follows:

The time is 10.15; D is correct.
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