330 Answers to assignments
40% hazels costing 8¢, a total of 30¢.
The most even mix is around 30% Brazil
nuts – can you define it more closely?
5.3 Carrying out investigations
1 a This must be carried out by looking
at amounts successively. There is more
than one way of doing some of the
amounts; only one is shown:
1¢ = 1¢; 2¢ = 2¢; 3¢ = 1¢ + 2¢;
4¢ = 2¢ + 2¢; 5¢ = 5¢; 6¢ = 5¢ + 1¢;
7¢ = 5¢ + 2¢; 8¢ = 10¢ − 2¢;
9¢ = 10¢ − 1¢; 10¢ = 10¢;
11¢ = 10¢ + 1¢; 12¢ = 10¢ + 2¢;
13¢ cannot be done in two coins.
b This part of the investigation is open-
ended. A systematic approach should
be taken, possibly starting with the
1, 3, 5... example (in order to make
7, a 7¢, 8¢, 10¢ or 12¢ coin would be
needed and others follow from this). If
a set does not include a 1¢ coin, then
two denominations must differ by 1¢.
2 A 2 × 2 box contains 4 + 1 = 5 oranges;
a 3 × 3 box has 9 + 4 + 1 = 14. Each
successive size can be worked out as
the square number plus the sum of the
square numbers below it, so a 5 × 5 box
has 25 + 16 + 9 + 4 + 1 = 55 oranges.
As advanced level mathematics is not
expected for this paper, this answer
would be sufficient. The general
formula is
nn(2 + 1)( + 1n )
where n represents the number of
oranges on one side of the square.
For a rectangular box, students should
tabulate a series of values for n × m boxes.
They would be expected to recognise
that the pattern depends on the smallest
square that would be fitted into this box
(i.e. an n × n square if n<m). For rectangles
based on a given value of n, each extra
row adds a further number which is the
nth triangular number. So, for a 4 × 4
square, there are 30 oranges, and we then
add 10 (the 4th triangular number) for
each extra row, so a 4 × 5 box contains 40,
a 4 × 6 box contains 50, and so on.
3 There are 36 combinations of two dice.
Winning combinations are:
1, 4 1, 5 1, 6 2, 5 2, 6 3, 6
and the reverse of these (4, 1; 5, 1 etc.),
so 12 of the 36 combinations win, or^13.
If 200 people play, Milly takes $200 and
will expect to pay out 2 ×^2003 or $133,
so she should raise $67.
Investigating alternatives is again quite
open-ended. We can look at the two
options suggested. Multiples give:
First die
1 2 3 4 56
1 1 2 3 4 5 6
2 2 4 6 8 10 12
3 3 6 9 12 15 18
4 4 8 12 16 20 24
5 5 10 15 20 25 30
6 6 12 18 24 30 36
She needs players to win less than half
the time to make a profit. There are
17 values in the table of 12 or over, so 12
is the minimum winning score which
would guarantee her a profit. If players
have to score over 12 to win, this would
give odds of^1336 – similar to those in the
original game.
One can similarly investigate the two
values written as a two-digit number (it
may be necessary to colour the dice to
define which is the first digit).