332 Answers to assignments
Greece 7 5 4 7 5 4 7 5 4
Spain 7 7 7 5 5 5 4 4 4
Portugal 3 3 3 4 4 4 6 6 6
Russia 0 1 3 0 1 3 0 1 3
Qualify G S G S G S G S G S G S G P G P P*
The result is clear in all but two
columns. In column 6, Greece and
Portugal finish level on points but
Greece qualify as they beat Portugal.
In column 9, Greece and Spain finish
equal and they drew their game. The
scores of the two games will determine
who goes through, whether on goal
difference, goals scored or drawing
of lots. Can you determine which
scores will lead to which outcome?
The actual result was column 9 (Spain
0 Portugal 1, Russia 2 Greece 1), so
Greece and Portugal went through.
Portugal had the only positive goal
difference and Greece had scored more
goals than Spain.
3 This is another open-ended problem.
As much as possible should be extracted
from the data given: this involves
averaging the rows and columns,
graphing both these averages and
the individual values, and drawing
appropriate conclusions.
The table, with averages included, can
be used to create graphs:
Crop yield: kg/m^2 Water input: litres/m^2 /day
5 10 15 20 25 30 Average
Fertiliser: g/m^20 3.55 4.58 5.76 5.36 4.04 2.04 4.22
5 4.54 5.83 7.16 7.54 6.82 4.73 6.11
15 5.21 7.73 9.22 9.32 9.06 8.89 8.24
20 4.85 6.89 8.95 10.27 10.40 9.38 8.46
25 3.97 6.42 9.04 9.62 10.83 10.32 8.37
Average 4.42 6.29 8.03 8.42 8.23 7.07 7.08