336 Answers to assignments
148 Blue
137 Blue
126 Blue
115 Blue
116 Black
126 Black
136 Black
116 Blue
115 Black
* 148 ××× 137 126 115
* 148 ××× 137 126 115
127 Blue
116 Blue
115 Black
125 Black
117 Blue
114 Black
* 148 ××× 136 127 115
* 148 ××× 136 125 117
146 Black
138 Blue
127 Blue
116 Blue
115 Black
125 Black
135 Black
117 Blue
114 Black
* 146 ××× 138 127 115
* 146 ××× 138 125 117
128 Blue
117 Blue
114 Black
124 Black
118 Blue
113 Black
* 146 ××× 135 128 117
* 146 ××× 135 124 113
Sock 1
Sock 2
Sock 3
Sock 4
probability of getting it right the first
time ()^137 to the probability of getting
it wrong the first time multiplied by the
probability of getting it right the second
time (^3637 ×^136 ), and to the probability
of getting it wrong the first two times
multiplied by the probability of getting
it right the third time (^3637 ×^3536 ×^135 ).
The total chance in three attempts is
(^137) + ( (^3637) × (^136) ) + ( (^3637) × (^3536) × (^135) ) = (^337)
or 8.1%.
3 Let us suppose that the probability of
hitting the nearer pole is^12 and the
probability of hitting the farther pole
is^13. (If the question can be answered,
it clearly does not matter what the exact
probabilities are or we would have been
given them.)
If we throw near, far, near, the
probabilities of throwing two in a row
are as follows:
Hit, hit, miss:^12 ×^13 ×^12 =^112
Miss, hit, hit:^12 ×^13 ×^12 =^112
Hit, hit, hit:^12 ×^13 ×^12 =^112
The total probability of winning is^312
or 25%.
Chapter 6.3 Question 1