Thinking Skills: Critical Thinking and Problem Solving

(singke) #1

Index 345

balance of probability, 24
‘begging the question’ flaws, 188–9

Carroll diagrams, 236–7
causal explanations, 25, 137–42
cause-correction fallacy, 76
certainties, 24
charity, principle of, 52, 201
checking answers, 246–7
choices, 123–4, 279–80
circular reasoning, 189
circumstantial evidence, 145
claims, 16, 31, 58, 61
conditional (hypothetical), 25, 251
to fact, 17
judging, 21–6
particular, 26, 71
sources, 150
strong and weak, 25–6, 72
classic fallacies, 75
clauses, 24–5
combinations, 233
complex arguments, 43–8, 52–4
complex claims, 24–5
conclusions, 50–6, 58–9
diffuse, 54–5
implicit, 60–1, 126
intermediate, 43
jumping to, 75, 139
multiple, 52–4
and reasons, 28
conditional claims, 25, 251
conditional statements, 250–1
conditions, 249–52
connectives, 24–5
consequences, 279–82
consequentialism, 292
consequents, 251
context, 196–7

abductive reasoning, 264
ABE (argument to the best explanation), 264
ad hominem arguments, 184
ad ignorantiam arguments, 201
ad populum arguments, 133
algebraic methods, 232–3
alternative explanations, 139–40
analogy, 174–5, 265–7
analysis, 177–81
anecdotal evidence, 71–2
animal intelligence, 2
anomalies, 140–1
checking, 246–7
intermediate, 93
antecedents, 251
approximation, 246
argument indicators, 28
arguments, 8, 28–32
from analogy, 174–5, 265–7
analysis, 38–42
to the best explanation, 264
complex, 43–8, 52–4, 170–5
conclusions, 50–6
counter-arguments, 47–8, 177–81
ethical, 187–8, 291–4
flawed, 70, 73–4
further argument, 191–4
identification, 33–7
reported, 46–7
soundness and validity, 254–61
argumentum ad hominem, 184
argumentum ad ignorantiam, 201
argumentum ad populum, 133
assertions, 16, 63
assumptions, 63–8, 183–4
attitude, 8–9
audience, 8
authors, 8


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