Index 347
principle of charity, 52, 201
principles, 287–94
probability, 17–18, 24, 240–4, 280
‘putting the answer back’, 246
qualification of judgements, 24
quantitative data, 106–9
questions, rhetorical, 19
raw data, 144, 269–70
reason, insufficient, 72–3
reason indicators, 28
reasoning, 2
circular, 189
deductive, 256–7, 260
flawed, 70, 73–4, 184
non-deductive, 262–8
spatial, 112–14
with statistics, 269–77
suppositional, 157, 251
reasons, 58–61, 106–9
and conclusions, 28
insufficient, 72–3
recommendations, 19
reflection, 2
relevance, 59–60
reported arguments, 46–7
reputation, 151
‘restricting the options’, 173
rhetoric, 186
rhetorical questions, 19
safe inferences, 126, 128
scepticism, 9
science, critical thinking in, 126–8, 163–9
searching, 98–100
selective searches, 99
selectivity of data, 270–4
‘slippery slope’ flaws, 188–9, 290–1
‘smoking gun’ evidence, 145–6
solution, methods of, 93–6
sorites paradox, 291
sound arguments, 70, 254–61
sources of claims, 150
spatial reasoning, 112–14
standards, for judging claims, 23–4
statements, 16
Kant, Immanuel, 293
kind, differences of, 289–91
knowledge, 24
Köhler, Wolfgang, 2
logic, 254–61
logical forms, 252
lowest common multiples (LCMs), 233
mapping, of arguments, 180
mathematical models, 119–21, 211–18
methods of solution, 93–6
mistaken cause, 76
mixed arguments, 41–2
models, 119–21, 211–18
multiple conclusions, 52–4
necessary and sufficient conditions, 249–52
necessity, 116–17
neutrality, and credibility, 152
non sequitur, 59, 60
non-deductive reasoning, 262–8
objective claims, 17
observations, scientific, 163
open mindedness, 9
opinion, popular, 131–3
opinions, facts and, 16–17
particular claims, 26, 71
pattern recognition, 102–4
peer review, 164
percentages, 231–2
permutations, 233
photographic evidence, 161
pictorial information, 86, 88
plausibility, 138–9, 141, 150
popular opinion, 131, 131–3
post hoc fallacies, 75–6
pragmatics, 291
predictions, 17–18
pre-emptive moves, 178
premise indicators, 28
premises, 29, 58–61
hidden, 64–5
interdependent, 39
missing, 66–7