
(singke) #1

Life As We Don’t Know It


But on a planet orbiting a red dwarf, ice and snow will
instead absorb much of the incoming light from its star.
This warming effect, combined with the warming from the
atmosphere, means that water-dominated planets might be
more resistant to freezing over than similar planets orbiting
brighter stars. If planets around a red dwarf do freeze, they
might thaw out more easily over time as their host stars —
like all other stars — naturally brighten. The fact that these
planets are fairly resistant to climate extremes and exit those
extremes easily on the rare occasion they do happen, means
that they’re more climatically stable and will therefore pro-
vide a greater chance for life.
Scientists are just beginning to consider the climatic
impacts of different types of surface environments on red
dwarf planets. The news isn’t all balmy. New research fi nds
that if temperatures within a red dwarf planet’s oceans plum-
met below -23°C, salt could crystallize in bare sea ice, forming
what is known as a hydrohalite crust. At infrared wavelengths,
hydrohalite is brighter than snow, which means that it doesn’t
absorb starlight but refl ects it — so much so that its presence
could cool the surface more than researchers had thought pos-
sible. We still have much to learn about how different surfaces
— from distinct kinds of soil and vegetation to ocean and ice —
might interact with the light from red dwarfs.

Life’s Spark
It is far too soon for us to comprehensively answer the ques-
tion of what kind of life might be possible on a red dwarf
planet. But we can ask a more specifi c question: Is photosyn-
thesis possible?
On Earth, plants use the pigment chlorophyll, which
absorbs stellar light strongly in the visible range of the
spectrum (400–700 nanometers), to transform sunlight and
carbon dioxide into food. In the process, they produce oxygen,
vital to respiration and in the production of the protective
ozone layer around Earth. Given the small amount of visible
light that red dwarfs emit, photosynthesis as we know it
might not be possible on planets around such stars. However,
life on these planets would presumably evolve to harvest the
wavelengths most available. Vegetation on planets around
red dwarfs might absorb radiation across a wider range of the
spectrum or specifi cally use infrared wavelengths.
The star’s fl ares might also provide what its calmer glow
does not. Stellar fl ares emit radiation across the entire elec-
tromagnetic spectrum, including visible light. So it might be
the case that the strong fl are activity, usually thought of as
damaging to life, could supply vegetation with enough vis-
ible light to conduct the kind of photosynthesis that plants
do on Earth. In this scenario, the cycle governing the loss
and growth of vegetation could become inextricably tied to
the cycles of fl are activity for a red dwarf, an unusual symbi-
otic prospect.
This relationship could be even more profound at ultra-
violet wavelengths — and that’s crucial. Researchers think
that ultraviolet radiation is a necessary ingredient in the

Wavelength (nanometers)






400 500

Chlorophyll a

Chlorophyll b

600 700

pABSORBING LIGHT On Earth, plants primarily use the pigments
chlorophyll a and b, which absorb sunlight strongly in the visible range of
the spectrum. Plants on red dwarf planets might be able to absorb light
at these wavelengths as well, but they would have to rely on stellar fl ares,
which emit light across the entire electromagnetic spectrum. The growth
of vegetation would then depend not on seasons but on the red dwarf’s
cycles of fl are activity.

chemical processes leading up to the formation of basic life. If
that’s true, then the paucity of ultraviolet light coming from
M-dwarfs would pose an obstacle to the development of life.
But fl ares might solve the problem: The blasts of ultraviolet
photons that bombard the planet with every stellar out-
burst might compensate for this intrinsic defi cit — providing
enough light to help life emerge.
We are only at the beginning of understanding what
worlds around these stars might be like. But over the next
decade, we’ll see space- and ground-based projects with
instruments sensitive enough to observe an abundance
of small terrestrial planets. NASA’s Transiting Exoplanet
Survey Satellite (TESS; S&T: Mar. 2018, p. 22) spacecraft, for
example, spends 27 days staring at each patch of sky, a length
of time comparable to the orbital period of planets in the
habitable zones around red dwarfs. These cool, dim stars are
thus the favored targets for the TESS mission. In fact, 75% of
the planets TESS is expected to detect should orbit red dwarfs.
The most promising planets will be close enough that follow-
up studies might identify biosignatures in their atmospheres,
telling astronomers that life is likely present.
If there exists a habitable planet orbiting a red dwarf, we
now have a real chance of fi nding it.

¢IGOR PALUBSKI is a graduate student at the University of
California, Irvine. AOMAWA SHIELDS is the Clare Boothe Luce
Assistant Professor of Physics and Astronomy at the Univer-
sity of California, Irvine, and Director of the Shields Center for
Exoplanet Climate and Interdisciplinary Education. DA





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