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As you travel in comfort from Rome to Florence, Pisa, and Padua, visit some
of the country’s great astronomical sites: the Vatican Observatory, the
Galileo Museum, Arcetri Observatory, and lots more. Enjoy fine food, hotels,
and other classic Italian treats. Extensions in Rome and Venice available.

Travel Down Under to tour top
observatories, including Siding
Spring and “The Dish” at Parkes.
Go wine-tasting, hike in nature re-
serves, and explore eclectic Sydney
and Australia’s capital, Canberra.
Plus: Stargaze under southern skies.
Options to Great Barrier Reef and
Uluru, or Ayers Rock.


See all S&T tours at skyandtelescope.com/astronomy-travel

Uluru & Sydney Opera House: Tourism Australia; observatory: Winton Gibson

Australian Observatories
October 1–9, 2019

Astronomy Across Italy
May 3–11, 2020

Choose from Tours in

Australia, Europe, and South America


Come along with Sky & Telescope to view this celestial spectacle in the
lakes region of southern Argentina. Experience breathtaking vistas of
the lush landscape by day — and the southern sky’s incomparable
stars by night. Optional visit to the world-famous Iguazú Falls.

Patagonian Total Solar Eclipse
December 9–18, 2020


S&T’s 2020 solar eclipse cruise offers 2
minutes, 7 seconds of totality off the
coast of Argentina and much more:
Chilean fjords and glaciers, the legendary
Drake Passage, and four days amid
Antarctica’s waters and icebergs.

2020 Eclipse Cruise: Chile, Argentina,
and Antarctica
Nov. 27–Dec. 19, 2020
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